Friday, March 2, 2012

How does Dutch organized crime compare with other crime syndicates around the world?

Dutch organized crime: you mean Dutch crime organizations?

I suggest you read the Organized Crime Threat Assessment of Europol.

It depends of the field of crime. The strongest crime organisations are not Dutch. But Dutch and to a lesser extent Belgian Organized Crime groups still dominate the major production of synthetic drugs in the EU, profiting from their knowledge and experience and with trafficking facilitated by major ports such as Antwerp and Rotterdam which also act as important trans-shipment points, for instance for cocaine trafficking. However, large scale MDMA (ecstasy) production continues to spread, in particular in Indonesia, Canada and Australia.

Turkish, Russian and Balkan groups are stronger than the Dutch groups and operate in The Netherlands too. Organized crime is strong but does not have a destabilizing effect on the Dutch society. The EU has concluded that organized crime is in fact a destabilizing factor in the Balkan.How does Dutch organized crime compare with other crime syndicates around the world?
Good question :)

I`m not an expert, but:

Dutch crime is smaller scaled, due to the country not being so large.

But, as sometimes The Netherlands is referred to as a gateway to Europe, you`d expect them to be well connected to 'colleagues' in other countries.

But, to be honest, i do not believe The Netherlands has really large scale organized crime. It`s is more foreign gangs that are active here.

Unless you consider the government.How does Dutch organized crime compare with other crime syndicates around the world?
There is quit a lot Organized Crime in The Netherlands. Only Dutch criminals are mostly men in suits who laundry money. Abroad Organized Crime mostly consists of shooting peoples etc.

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