Friday, March 9, 2012

What does Obama plan to do to repeal the Patriot Acts? What does Obama have to say about Habeas Corpus?

why is Obama continuing to slaughter innocent women and children in the middle east? Why is the "news" continuing not covering ANYTHING good or bad in the middle east?

Why is Obama allowing the corporate crime syndicates to financially rape the american tax slaves?What does Obama plan to do to repeal the Patriot Acts? What does Obama have to say about Habeas Corpus?
Barry Obama VOTED FOR the Patriot Act.
Nothing....he voted for the Patriot act while a Senator and did not move to remove it when he had the chance as president.

He also kept the rendition option while condemning torture.

He said; 'WE don't torture' but, he didn't say anything about partners or foreign contractors doing it for us.

Corporate crime syndicates? Like what/who?

He is using coporations to collect taxes from the middle class with pass throughs so he can say he gave middle America a tax cut but, we will pay through the nose.

I don't think he's trying to slaughter children but, there is no such thing as innocent women.What does Obama plan to do to repeal the Patriot Acts? What does Obama have to say about Habeas Corpus?
Well the "news" doesn't cover anything stupid that obama does.

For example.

June 6th, 2009. A D-day memorial is held in France. The queen doesn't show up and her son takes her place. The reason she wasn't there, was because the obama administration forgot to INVITE THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND to a memorial ceremony. She SERVED in WWII, and she wasn't invited.

FOX News, CNN news, all news stations said nothing about the fact that the obama administration didn't invite her.

If this happened when Bush was in office, the entire country would be riled up demanding he be impeached. Every news station would be talking about this for weeks on end. Not for obama however.

It's pathetic.
President Obama is pulling us out of Iraq as fast as safety will allow.

He might not try to repeal the patriot act for the time being, but rest assured, he is not wiretapping WITHOUT A WARRANT

[and only congress can repeal it, he can just sign the bill or veto it]What does Obama plan to do to repeal the Patriot Acts? What does Obama have to say about Habeas Corpus?
Contrary to what leftist torch bearer Seldon Surak says, Comrade Obama has fallen in love with the warrantless wiretap after railing against them on the campaign trail. So don't hold your breath.
Wow. This is even news to me. I can assure you that I have not killed anyone and I am trying to fix the corporate crime problem
Power corrupts?
Great question... I thought he campaigned on doing away with the Patriot Act.

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